orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


freaky franchise


i love my dearie.

ok.. let's get started.

got another mail from lionel..


ok.. here it is..

>> Hey you :)

woah... what a fast reply! aahahaha what a lovely thing to receive your mail! :) hahaha... what? you can't do the asking out? :p unless.. you mean... something else, one that involves fine dining, chauffered around, and maybe some action after that! ;) ahaha

hahahahahaha... i'm so glad o levels are over for me. :p hope you enjoy it, hehe just kidding. the last year of school's pretty enjoyable and hectic at the same time... :) what with the prom and being queen/king of the school, ordering those minions around.

what pressie would you like? :) i've got some old newspaper here hahaha... :) what's the strangest present you've received? what would you like this christmas? woah piercings, bondage? :) hmmmm... i am fascinated, tell me more keke. no, reveal to me more. :p

shopping? :) what sort of shoes, tops, skirts, undergarments do you go for?! ;) lol... where's my girl? ho hum... damn i've gotta start stripping every single girl and find for signs of my name imprinted on their bums now... would you help me out please? pretty pwease? :)

blue's song? hmm... i haven't heard yet :) what's it called again? sealsed, signed, delivered, i'm yours? :) i'll check it out soon enough! what other songs appeal to you?

interior designer? :) what sort of home would your house look like in the future next time? let's see how would your imagination run :) hahaha! some sort of teacher? :p what would you be teaching? i might be interested depending on the... subject haha.

oooh md! cool! :) i've never had one of those before... man that sounded like you blew a bomb there... hahaha ahem what stress is the goverment placing on you or me? keke...

oh wow :) new godbrother? hahaha... uhm... no i'll settle for being your boyfriend :) i don't want to be similar to anyone else muahaha.

take care yarhs... :) hey i see you online now... toodley toos!

lionel x

******* end of mail *****************

kk.. i love having to be doted on.



derek's coming over today


haha.. means pc hogging.


dearie's in the house today.

willl be with him.. via sms.




1:08 p.m. - 2003-12-23


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