orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


baby i'm in love

yoz people..


nu nu nu nu ear!!!!!

i love my booboo...


now.. didn't really do anything today..

just slacked... oh.. i even bothered to get my books wrapped.



oh well.. sckool's back..


can't help but sigh...

Sighs.... sighs...

oh.. btw.. is juz me or is blogspot screwed? or its it just me.. oh well... i'll just go try clicking on lena's blog later..


school's reopening..

i'm suprised its not the end of the world.


anyway... tommorroe, dearie's gonna wake me up.. ( wooohoooo... if he ever does, i'll prolly snore into the phone ).

hmmmm.. letmesee the stuff i have yet to accomplish...

1) finsh me chinese homework..( wat a big big joke )

2) attempt to copy finish me e maths homework...

3) find my a maths book!!!11 freak... i'm sooooo dead.

4) cross my fingers and pray that my dad had forgotten my results cause i have to get my report card back from him u see... ( they are unforgettable btw..)

5) to find a way to psycho my mum into giving me her $120 shopping voucher muhahahahahaha....

okie.. now for the things that i'm gonna do..

1) sew my belt damm high.. ( i'm bringing an extra pinafore so i dun give a damm..)*)

2) get rich.. :)

3) attempting to shuff my handphone into my bra..cause the farking school dun allow..

4) be punctual..

5) love my dearie more each day..

sighs.. the things u will do for love.. hahaha...

// baby i'm in love with the one i'm with..//

// sorry if u dun approve//

// i've got plans with the one i'm with//

// its a lifetime of being true//

//Baby that i have changed my mind//

// but it's like this//

// baby i'm in love with the one i'm with//



10:10 p.m.i love my sweets - haapie nu ear 2004-01-01


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