orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


a l o n e

lots of things have happened.

i dunnoe.

its sooo confusing.

maybe it's because of wad i'm lacking.

what i want.

he's apparently have been able to give me all that.

like he's my boyfriend of somekind.


argh.. why must all these happen..

now my ex wants me back still.


maybe i'll just turn les or sumthing.

things between us are not really perfect.

it feels as if there's sum invisible blockade.

i mean it's not him that's giving me the attention i want.

it sumone else.

that's the confusing part.

or maybe....

i'm just too neglected.

- feeling to numb to cry -


3:31 p.m. - Saturday, May. 08, 2004


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