orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


running hell

fooook. Gonna be late. Whats new anyway?!! :):):) haha... sorry la min.. all the ape's fault.. haha.. hmmmm.. woke today. Went jogging. Nearly died. Had houseflies as "part " of the scene. Brilliant. Going to watch H.P with min. Lester's out. Can't touch him le. *sighs* Right.. gonna bathe now. Condition my hair. Get dressed. Take Ka---ching $$$$ from Mommmy. Then go out. Praying min won't kill me. Most prob she will. *frumps* I love my kors. They're the Best!!! Like Aaron, Zhi Kor kor and a pretty few others. (excld LestEr) but he's cute. Oh well. Life goes on. I can't possibly harp over him through a lifetime ya? (although i'm sure i'm highly capable of doing so) :PpP. Gotta to go back to skool like the whole of next week. Sad case. Des and me are history. Confirmed. He'ss going to NS soon. Take care. Wad else. Oh. I'm broke. Wow. *sobs* I really am!!! okie.. I'll be a gooooood sugarie little girl of daddde's. I promise. :)))). John's a flirt. So is his friend. Argh. Men. They come. They take. They go.

9:17 a.m. - Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004


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