orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


part three going four

okay.. so i haven been updating like i should. my entries have been like total crap i proclaim? i missed bball this morning. apparently, my bed kept me and my alarm clock decided to take a sudden day off (most prob i didn't respond to it):))). hmmmmm. John's nice. He flirts. alot. conscince: lyn. Yoo flirt too. Me: dammit. alright. so i do. not as bad as HIM. argh. i should stop contridicting myself. anyway. i stil owe john 18 buckeroos. damm tired today. talking to wei xiong now. he's cute. nice colour range for hair. i guess. like pink (i noe it sounds gay but i can assure u he's not). hmm.. today's the POLICE carnival. gonna shoot char tommorrow. which reminds me deres toootion. *frumps* hate this. went to the farm trip thingy to get burnt a two colour shade. awesome. i look like some half cooked liver of something. john's turning fifteen soon. Woot. he's aking me to go celebrate his bdae with him. but he's attached!!! *meows* but he claims that his relationship is breaking apart. oh well. i dunnoe. it seems to me that almost everyone's relationship's screwed up. not to mention mine.

2:43 p.m. - Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004


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