orangelyn's Diaryland Diary



i've patched with him. -grins. my little crazy boy. miss him loads. had some talking with him yesterday. he's contemplating bout having my name tattooed on his back. gosh. going have tution later. selva. -grr. i want my baby boy. he's so silly and addcitive. and he knows he's done me wrong. and he's changing. hope it goes well. min have kinda given her approval stamp again. char's in shit. her bunnies are taken. -sighs. it's not good.

he wants to come see me play bball. -woot. he's nice. and he wants to send me home everyday. -hugs. you're so sweet. can't take my eyes off you.

right. so i always break my words. and that i'll not get attached. but fuck it. i'm ready. again. that's after i found out that he smokes. -pukes. LOSER!!! ha. you'll prolly get some cornary heart disease of something. fuckerr. -bites.

praying that tution today will interesting. some paper to do most prob. den i'll see the ah-lians. again. oh boy. -smirks.

i'm a mean bitch. sue me. char: i noe what ur going through girl. don't worry. i'm urs for the taking. :)))) cheer up ya? be there for ya.. -hugs

12:03 pm - Sunday, Sept. 19, 2004


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