orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


babe alert

i'm a pig. sue me. didn't go for e maths shit today. super fucked up. everywhere i go. i see john's friends. -yuck. get outta my life?
the point? i dun wanna see you ever again.

just realized i can't blame vannie. it's not her fault. -sighs. sorry babe. even though i don't know you.

den again. i'll be getting my tattoo next week. when i get my 300 buckeroos. den i'll loan ah-ma some. heh. i feel rich. just like char said.

went major pigging out these few days. i shouldn't hang out with char and min that often now. maybe i'll just have this sudden hate for food. it wouldn't be that bad could it? 0.o

gan ma's gonna kill me. been a bad girrrl. -rawr. but. so to say. since when have i been good? =PpP

i'm contemplating if i should be single again. it's like a crossroad thing. yeah. bingo. my life's screwed. -grins. applaud please. donations? very much appreciated.

i like chocolate and cheese.

char: my life is screwed up as yours. chill ya? you'll tide over.

i saw a hot babe today. i want her number. dammit. -drools. her body was oh so huggalicious. -sighs. i hope i'll meet herr again.

show me the blink blink. :))))

5:36 pm - Thursday, Sept. 23, 2004


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