orangelyn's Diaryland Diary



he's a liar. -okay so maybe i am one too. but i dun cheat pple like he does! -thinks twice. right. shall just shut up. went to walk easy just now. i love that gurrrl. -hugs. she's a hotdog. dammm hot one. well. at least she managed an eye contact with a hot guy. -sighs.

i wanna slap him. i really do. on one hand it'll be. oh-i-love-you-to-bits-and-i'll-tattoo-your-name-on-my-dick attitude to the hey-do-i-know-you impresssion. you should be in mediacorp. places where they need people with split personalities. f*ucker. you should be shot dead. first for being a scumbag. second for being cheated by your own gurrlfriend. sad. i kinda feel pitiful for him. heh. eat sh*t.

now. thank god i didn't kiss you. and please do shave. and try to refrain from showing your interest in the female stuff. like carrying a f*cking red handbag to school. -faints. loser. wait. maybe not. that's an understatement. i'll get back to it. sometime. when i've found the word.

i got my tau huay! finally. it's good.

i want my chocolate-dipped-i-wished-it-was-rreal mooncake. dammit.

i screwed the diet thing up again. -wat's new? sighs.

talking to my kor now. he claims there's hair growing on his almost bald army head. leave it alone dude. oh well. guys. you never know them.

i know what i want for prom. -grins
just hafta get in shape now. if i ever. lolx. i just lurrve food too much. over a little too much. which adds up to alot.

btw. i've got a really bad headache. and my dad's accusing me of surfing porn. -sheesh. well maybe if i had a working willy i would. ((:

my mum isn't helping. she just told min she's a mama-san. god save me. and that i'm one of her chicks. -bites tongue. and that i should get divorced with joyce and go stead with min. -swallows tongue. right. the first thing she said when she got the phone to talk to min. why you make your gurrrlfriend angry?!! see lar. now she headache the whole day. aiyo... No way in hell would i ever believe she would say it. den. there's always a first time. -smirks.

going to play bball with char and min tommorrow. i hope all goes well. dammit. i hate you. no. not you you. that you. the you with a stupid red bag you. yeah. that bastard you i'm talking bout. dammm you. -argh.

i should get counciling. but gan ma's gonna kill me. pon e maths for 2 weeks. -woot. i love myself. living life on the edge. for a few hours. then suffer like sh*t for the rest of your life.

tatttooo. -ooh. i love it. yeah. john preached me on the phone last night though. never in any freaking era would i thought that he'll preach.
me: (picks up phone)yeah.. wadssup?

him: your're NOT going to get a tattoo!!

me: johnnnnnnn!! it's f*cking thursday. we'll talk when i'm actually awake.

him: oh. erm you're sleeping? yeah. okay. byes.

me: ehhmmmmmfffps. (goes back to sleep)

yeah. that's it i think. or what i can actually rememeber. I WAS asleep. till he called. stupid ape. -grrr. you make my day oh-so-complete. -sighs.

talking bout sleep. i haven slept so well since last year. boy am i deprived.

my life long goal. to love myself more then anything. erm. maybe after my tau huay, carrot cake, soyabean, chocolate and waffles. yup. apologies. i live to eat you see. hoho. i'll get myself married to a food manufacturer. -dreams. hush. don't wake me yup. maybe the food manufacturer would be the heir of hersheys chocolate company. -god let me die in my sleep. that way i'll die a happy death. boy oh boy. i should wake up.

skool sucked like hell today. didn't do arman's h/w. gonna be so scr*wed by him. i already am. anyways.

accomplishments for the day. i censored my swear words. yay!!! people. ahem. please applaud. and cheer and yell. you know not everyone can do this. yup. so give it your all.


that was a slip of the tongue


11:25 pm - Friday, Sept. 24, 2004


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