orangelyn's Diaryland Diary



Usher - Burn

I'm starting to miss the feeling of being loved and loving someone.
Afterall, it's been six mths.
Six long lonely fucked up months.

Maybe it's because i don't wanna open up.
Afraid of being hurt again.
Being lied to.
It hurts too much i guess.
Butt thens, i wouldn't know if i were to keep to mahself fereva.
I'll just choose my path another time.

This feeling's been getting into me nowadays.
Must be the whole christmas thingy.
Hah !
This stupid mindset bout having someone to spent it with you.
I need counciling.

Sometimes, i do wonder.
Why did you have the greatest impact on me among all my exes.
Can't find no answer.

Everyone's gotten a job.
Mum's trying to boot me out of the house.
She wants me to get a job, fast and quick.
Ah, i'll start next year.
My uncle's offering me a post of a clerk in his office.
Still contemplating if i shld take it up.
Can't imagine myself talking to the photocopier.

Mum and Dad brought Kyer out.
I pray she's in safe hands.

I reckon i won't be seeing mah clique often.
Not for the next whole mth.
I'm sinking into solitude.
Yes, yes.
Time will tell.

For now, i'm giving myself love.
Doing what i should have done long ago.
I should have never let you in.
Not even thought bout it.

Char: Coconut ! ! ! Come back soon yea ? HAHA. We all miss you. Do take care. No morre brokenn ankles. ((x

Dewei: (: Good fer yer dude. Hahs. Reckon crowd surfing for babes will be top of the list. -winks-

Even in my dreams,
You make me cry.

12:20 pm - 12.04.04


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