orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


matter no

Ja rule - Wonderful

I'm so bored.
There i told you.

Plus the weather is fugging cold.
Can't feel my fingers.
Btws, i had this fight with mom.
Over my fingernails.
WTF has my nails gotta do with you anyway ? !
Unless you're worried i'll scratch yer eyes out with dem.
In this case, it's most likely.

Added a few stuff to my blogg.

Oh wells, think i got the mood from min.
I'm cranky.
I don't feel like going out.
I snap at ppl.
I don't give a shit about what anybody says.
I can't be bothered to reply messages.
I'll gladly give the finger to anyone.

Hello hello world.

Move over dj,
Lyn's in the house.

7:02 pm - 12.12.04


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