orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


i wanna do it again

Couldn't be happier.

Cabbed down ter Great World today.
Haven been dere in a long long long tyme.
Missed that place.
Brings back many many memories thou.
Went to the happy house shop.
Saw the same card.
Things that shouldn't be there just appears.
I hate that.

Josh was dere too.
Like 9 in da morning with her mum.
Rabbit society thing.

I'm so happy that i actually got out of the house.
It feels as if i haven breathe in a long while.
It's awesome.

Dearie fell in love with this shop.
Which happens to sell frilly and pink dresses.
Mind you those pathethic pieces of cloth cost a whole mth's salary of some sort.

Walked and walked and walked.
Went to molecules.
They've really chic and stylish things in stock.
I'm bumped.

Watched shutter today.
It spooks.
FUCK the camera shit.
Neoprints are prolly the only pics i'll take from now on.
Bye bye digi cam.
And i'll watch my weight and if my neck starts to hurt.

Blew ten buckeroos at timezone?
Didn't even know why i even bothered to go there.
House of the dead and bball.
Speaking bout it, i might be visiting the court soon.
The bliss bliss.

At the rate i'm spending, i've to get a job as a lawyer or something.
It's way too over.
Saw daniel and jean today.
They look so cute together.
Maybe i'm just envious.

Just realize that i haven taken a bus in ages.
Either cab here or car there.
Lil princess i might be or as what dewei says.
I'm still not admitting to that title thou.

Town seems boring suddenly.
I wanna go to miami.
Tan, sun, waves, beach and bitch bout life.
Pure heaven.

I'm definately going back to Great World.
Haven got time to visit the lingerie shop.
They've fantastic french ones in stock.
Plus, i saw my phone dere.
Get the hint baby?
Donations accepted.

Dearie: Hmmms. You're just prolly having days where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed ya know?
Don't worry bout it.
No frets.
I'd still love you even if you'd ferget yer name.
i'll just rename you tinklebell aight?
Well, at least you didn't lose anything.
Look on the brighter side of it babe.
Oh, thanks fer the ice-cream and the nachos and ahem, the movie.
-poke poke-
They're gooood.
Get together soon kkayz?
I can't can't wait for Os to be over!!!
Hope ur eye does get better.
If it still bugs, go see a doc.
I'll follow if you want to.
Plus, you look preeety when you smile.
Good luck fer next friday!!

11:57 pm - Friday, Nov. 19, 2004


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