orangelyn's Diaryland Diary


self portrait

SR-71 - Hello Hello

Changed mah blog template.
Might be doing it again thou.
Figured that i won't be going out anytime soon thanks to the killer flu.
Give me ur comments yeah?

I like lil boo.
Go checck him out.
So cute.
(He's at the end of this entry btw)
Added the older entries thingy.
So, if ur interested, go ahead.

Kyer's sick.
Think she caught some rash.
Gotta bring her to the doc tmr.

Dad's gonna call dolly in the morn.
Wonder wonder.
Not looking ferward to it.

As fer my clique.
I'm so sorry.
I can't save myself too.

Could you cry with me?

1:34 am - 12.03.04


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